There's a warning in the May 10th issue of "Health News" (newsletter from
the New England Journal of Medicine) with a warning that some herbal
medicines should not be taken for a while before surgery.  The article
mentions: "St, John's wort, ginko biloba, ginsing, or other herbal
products" (their wording).  Now, obviously it's already known by some here
that blood clotting, pressure, etc.  are effected by some herbs, given that
such actions may be desired for certain treatments.  Still, not all may
know about special considerations, including those above which were taken
from warnings put out by the American Society of Anesthesiologists.  If
you, or your vet, or both don't also know a large amount about various
herbal preparations and can't find an advisor who does then it may just pay
to stop any such meds for a while (Days?  Weeks?) before surgery to avoid
bleeding out, blood pressure difficulties, and other complications.
I have passed on the comments about the AVMA page to the editor.  She's
kind of in the spot where she has to please everyone, but she likes the
points about softening statements with comments which would very likely
also be acceptable even to the most die-hard ferret critic: ones such as
"as with any pet".  From her reply I think an effort is being made to
include such considerations in the future correction because they are true,
valid, logical, and prevent comments from being exaggerated beyond all
Our ferrets like my talking watch.  The talking clock is not as impressive,
possibly because they are used to listening to Steve on the telephone, but
the watch is so much smaller and *** Mommy's arm talks ***!  What can I
say?  I'm magic with my verbal limbs!
My vegetarian husband spins, too -- gets on tile or linoleum in stocking
feet balances on a heel and pushes off.  I don't think it has anything to
do with alligators ripping meat off carcasses.  I suspect it's just fun.
(Okay, I've tried it; it IS FUN!  Steve's addition to this paragraph is:
"Angular momentum is our friend."
[Posted in FML issue 2670]