Okay Bill, it was nice to see you write something, now tell us about your
fuzzies.I,for one am curious.  I know you're busy, but I bet I'm not the
only one.  Inquiring minds want to know.
[Gotta get the ad issue out first though!  BIG]
Betty-I've got it all figured out about why Mushu is so attracted to metal
objects.  She has a magnetic personality, or the FLO is recycling.
Bob-Hope the knee is getting better.  I'm facing knee surgery myself
eventually.  I know you didn't kneed to hear this, but it kneeded to be
said.  Watch out for kneedy ferrets as you recover.  Don't let them kneedle
you.  This pun-ishment has been provided by Ra-pun-zel,the punster.
Sandy (I didn't say that)
Jasmine (Groan)
Taz(I don't get it.)
Honey( Oooohh)
Sugar ( We had to listen to it.)
A ferret fills a void you didn't know existed, until you were enslaved.
[Posted in FML issue 2669]