Hey all,
I have a question about putting a ferret on a diet.  How do I put 1 of 5
ferrets on a diet?  My little Elbert ( Well there is nothing little about
him) is fat.  He has gained quite a bit of weight in a short amount of
time.  I took him to the vet on Monday to make sure it wasn't anything
serious.  His spleen is fine, his liver is fine, he does not have any
serious fluid hanging around inside...... Really the main problem is that
he is just fat.  He has butt jowels, his butt and stomach hang down past
his knees.  It is kind of funny.  The vet said he needs to eat less.  I
have taken away the food available at play time, so they all have to play
and not eat.  They are only without food for a couple hours in the morning
and the evening.  I will also lock him in his own cage at night with only a
bit of food.  But during the day all 5 are free in their play room and
there is food available.  Is the night time and play time diet going to be
enough of a diet?  I have 2 really skinny ferrets too so I do not want to
limit their food at all.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I think I need
to be careful with this diet because Elbert is also on lysodern, and I do
not want him to have a sugar crash.  He is also on diuretics because we did
possibly find a bit of fluid around his heart.  That we are going to watch
So any suggestions on dieting 1 of 5 ferrets would be great.
Sue and her frenzy of 5.
[Posted in FML issue 2669]