Okay, Gizmo my youngest (8 weeks m) seems to think that he is super ferret!
He stretches his little arms out and away he jumps usually landing on one
of the siblings.I thought it was cute when Rebel(2 yrs m) played hide in
seek(hiding gizmo for me to find) and i thought it was cute to see Nosey(4
yrs m)smeak up and bite his ears,But now Gizmo is terrorizing all the
ferrets.  At night while caged for bed, i hear these awefull screams when i
run to check on them, its just gizmo attacking the others while they
sleep(its more like stalking).And forget playtime, No ferret is safe from
super ferret.  He takes flying leaps and hangs on around the neck of the
closest ferret(almost liek a pony ride.And poor Snow(9 month old f)is
always being stalked.
Gizmo is very jealous of my others,if i hold them he literally tries to
pull them out of my arms.
Now for my question:
Do u think i should separate them at night for bed time or do u think all
is ok?And play time is there something i should do to keep him from
stalking the others?
I will say Rebel,Bandit,Snow and Nosey do attack him back when they have
had enough.I know that they are playing but at the same i want everyone
happy :)
Thanks sherri
Snow White and the 4 fuzzies(Nosey,Rebel,Bandit,Gizmo)
[Posted in FML issue 2669]