My most recent ferret did not come from a large breeder or a pet shop, but
from a private breeder or accidental breeding that ended up at an auction
where the auctioneer claimed, based on what the consignor said, that the
ferret was tame and gentle.
In fact, the albino ferret was deaf as a post and a bad fear-biter.
Over the years, the best ferret I had was a Marshall Farms ferret, who had
a truly excellent temperament and was gentle with everyone.
Frankly, I feel the breeders, despite their size, who breed good quality
animals with good temperaments are superior to the breeders who breed
anything to anything, just to get babies to sell.  A good breeder is more
concerned about the reputation of their animals as good pets.  Bad pets can
cost the breeder in future sales.  Sure they are in it for the money, but
only extremist animal rights groups think that making money working with
animals is evil.  They don't even want vets, shelters, pet food companies,
vaccine companies, etc to make a dime, much less breeders or brokers.
In every area of the animal industry, there are the good and the bad..and
everyone in-between.  People just need to learn to deal with it, rather
then seek out and attack the very industry that supports your right to keep
ferrets or other pets.  If we, in this industry, fight among ourselves, we
will lose our rights to keep any animals due to being so busy infighting,
that we fail to notice legislation that plays on individual fears, pushed
by extremists.
I feel that too many people spend time passing judgment over others, then
seeking ways to improve things for our pets in a positive way.  Rather then
make attacks, make reasonable suggestions.
[Posted in FML issue 2695]