Hi,                 (Please Post)
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for responding to my plea for
help with Ferris's irregular stool.  I'm sorry I cannot respond to each
one of you individually, but wanted you to know that your suggestions are
helpful and VERY much appreciated!!!  Just to clarify a few things that I
missed mentioning in my original post . . .
1) He's always seemed to feel fine, has a normal level of energy, and
   eats well.
2) I feed him Iams Eukanuba Kitten Formula (I switched him from NutroMax
   Kitten when I got him in Feb.)
3) His previous owner said he's never been sick the entire time he had
   him (3.5 yrs), so no history with ECE or helicobactor, and my Dusty
   does not/has never had those either.  4) If it was an inflammation of
   the bowel or intestinal lining, she would have found it when she did
   the surgery, but said she found no inflammation of any kind, anywhere.
   (Perhaps she missed it, perhaps its is not dectible to the naked
I will try him on a little plain yogurt for the asidophillus (sp) factor
and keep him on this herbal remedy and see what happens.  The vet said
yesterday that it could take up to 10 days before seeing any results.  Its
been 5 today.  I'll keep you all posted and once again, thank you so much
for your great ideas, care, and support!  :o)
Celeste, Dusty & Ferris >> "Tanks to aw of you fwom me, too!"
[Posted in FML issue 2692]