Just wanted to let everyone know what worked for my ferret Buster in
gainning weight.  He dropped over a pound in a half in one months time
span ( going from over 3 pounds to just under a pound in a half) and I
tried everything.  The vet suggested I try Deliver 2.0 (you can order it
from any pharamacy) and now Buster Baby is on his way back to almost
tipping the scale at 2 pounds (he used to weigh 3 but we are working on
it).  You can get a case of the Deliver for about $20.00 and I mix this in
with the Duck Soup.  I mix the Deliver in the Soup mix until it becomes
thinner..since Buster likes it that way.  The vet recommended Deliver 2.0
because it contains more calories then any of the other high calorie drinks
on the market.  Good Luck!
Jenn and her gang
Buster (I am getting fat), Spass (I am a pain in the a**), Ali (they call
me "vamp" for short)
[Posted in FML issue 2692]