Dear all,
I totally agree with what Sean the vet said.  These vets train a long hard
time, and it sounds like that (at least) Sean is doing a GREAT job.  I just
wish there were the facilities like that in Australia.  When I took my
ferrets to the vet to get their distemper shots, I'm not even sure the vet
had ever seen a ferret before!!
Thanks for the warning about heat exhaustion.  In Sydney the average summer
temperature is about 28 degrees Celcius (which is about (28+32)8/5=96F)  so
I'm going to make sure my ferrets have lots of shade, maybe some breeze and
a swimming pool (or the closest thing ferret wise)).  Of course, we're just
heading into winter - not such a problem at the moment.
Modern Ferret in Australia - is it possible?  How much A$?  Anyone?
I treat my fuzzies like kids - their expenses will come first before going
out.  Just a question - how much would You pay for 2 hours entertainment
every night!!
Anyway, just some thoughts.
I'd like to say I love getting FML
Love George
Tabitha (I'm the boss, don't mess with me)
Endora (I just want to drag your finger under the bed!  It's not my fault
if the rest of you follows!!)
 Georgina Barratt-See
 for: Philip Mitchell MB BS, MD, FRANZCP, FRCPsych,
 School of Psychiatry, University of NSW;
 Administrative Director,
 Mood Disorders Unit,
 Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
 Postal address:
 Room 107, Clinical Sciences Building,
 Prince Henry Hospital,
 Little Bay  NSW  2036,
 Tel:  61-2-9382-5055;
 Fax:  61-2-9661-4329
 Email:  [log in to unmask]
 Secretary: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2691]