Hi All - It's been a while since I put my two cents in, so here goes...
I used to give my guys toilet paper rolls (unsupervised), till one night
I came home late and one of them had gotten it so stuck on his head he
couldn't get it off.  No food, no water for I don't know how long resulting
in a very shocky ferret.  So now I give them the rolls only when I can keep
an eye on them.  One of those "it never occurred to me it could happen"
things... They do love them and they are cheap.  One trick is to cut the
roll down one side.
>the American Veterinary Medical Association recommended that "No ferret
>be left unattended with any individual incapable of removing himself or
>herself from the ferret."
I don't see how you can argue this point, as there is no argument against
it.  Although it should extend to any animal or bird.  This is just common
sense.  Is there another angle you can use?
Hey Hannan - Good to see you online at last!  Maya sends regards!  (Sorry
about the private message, but Dr. Caine used to work at the zoo years and
years ago, when he was just a lad.....)
Beverly Burge - Jerusalem Zoo
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[Posted in FML issue 2667]