Well, I had to rush my baby Gustifer to the hospital for emergency fluids.
He got extremely dehydrated REAL fast.  yuk.  Monday, I was able to take
him to the vet and the vet thinks he has ECE.  great.
My other ferret, Hershey, got sick a couple of months back.  but it only
lasted 24 hours.  Dr. Finkler said that just like humans, ferrets respond
differently to various ailments.  sigh.
So, now he is getting the proper care he needs as well as medicines.  I can
promise one thing, vets don't have to worry about losing market share to
me!  I have to give gustifer 10 cc's twice a day of sub-Q fluids.  I have
never had a problem holding an animal down, but now I actually have to give
the injection.  I was in *hysterical* tears after the first time, even to
the point that I had one of my insomniac attacks that night.  No way, not
ever, no vet stuff for me!  All you vets/vet techs out there have just
earned a huge amount of my respect.  they always make it seem SO easy...
This morning was much better.  For him and me.  He still dehydrates real
fast and he is no where near out of danger, but I think I am getting ahead
of the ball game...albeit very slowly.
My thanks go out to Gary, Sukie, Margie and Bob Martin for their knowledge
and support, and to theresa (friend) and John (boyfriend) for helping me
administer meds to the little guy.  Gustifer may just make it because of
p.s.  the test page on the adrenal survey will be up in a few days.
Programming the survey may take a bit longer since my programming expert
is out of town next week.
till then, kiss the fuzzies!
[Posted in FML issue 2690]