My friends from Ohio came to visit, just in time to miss the storm that
tore up many houses about a mile south of us.  We lost power for 6 hours.
Boy,did I miss my computer.Anyway,they loved the fuzzies.I took all of
Honeys stuffed animals and put them in a pile in the middle of the floor.
They were entranced with her running to grab one, take it to the cupboard
and work to open the door and put up her baby.  She did this till every
single one was put back.  The big ones are especially funny to watch.  She
has to put the toy down, open the door, get inside, drag the toy in, and
that takes some pulling on the big ones.  Between Honey putting up her toys
and the others snooping in their bags, climbing up the pants and licking
ears, I think they are new converts to the joys of fuzzydom.
So,Zen,share those ideas with the rest of us.  You can always learn
something new, so spit it out, what deep secrets of fuzzy care do you use.
If you've already posted on this subject, tell me when.  I guess you get
the idea now, tell me, tell me, tell me do.
Sandy and the curious 4 fuzzbutts.(Hope it's extra raisins)
[Posted in FML issue 2690]