Gotta tell you about this one:
about Dizzy, the little charmer - have a fairly new girl, Prell, tiny tiny
petite, had her two months and she still isn't settling down like I want
but was in season at the time I had her fixed and I am contributing it to
that.  Anyway, Prell really beat the humhumhum outta Easy Off and I was
heading to break it up when she let go and Dizzy immediately tied into
her, I guess on behalf of EO, BUT then this tiny petite little girl starts
dragging Dizzy across the room, he's almost 3 lbs, .....I couldn't believe
it but I caught her and put her up for a "time out" AGAIN, and then later
when I went back to my sewing machine, there was little EO sacked out on
one of the shelves with Dizzy drapped across her neck, both taking a nap.
How sweet, even if her knight in shinning armour couldn't win the battle,
he was there to console her.  Normally he doesn't nap with her, its
usually between Cascade or Joy who are still doing somersaults to win his
affections.  So cute, this animal nature thingy.
Millie and her romantic and loving little Noble Cleaning Crew
Easy Off:  the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  Hey I'm posing again, anyone care to take a look, see my leg
stuck out here, H E Y - Y A  A L L.....
Cascade:  Dizzy - You never do that for me when Joy is beating the
stuffings outta me !!!
Ajax:  It's cause you need a little stuffing shifted around some,
getting a little pudgy up on the chest part there, Babe
Dizzy:  I'm just tired of seeing her walk around with holes in her neck,
that's all, that and this Noble Royal English hot bloodline in me.
Joy:  Of all the BS I have ever heard.............
Prell:  I'm tough, I'm tough, I charge in at the left, then I whirl to
the right, and another upper cut, jabjabjab
Febreze:  WEll, I'd be tough too if Grandma would let me outta here - my
"poof" lasts longer, is stronger, is.........
Grandma:  remind me to write about why the female ferrets are different
than the females in any other species of animals!!
[Posted in FML issue 2689]