hello Georgina,
First, Have you heard of the NSW Ferret Welfare Society inc?  Our web pages
are at http://members.tripod.com/AliFerret/ and we also hold a social
meeting every 2 months (next one 6/5/99 on Sunday, from 1200 - 1530) and
have a bimonthly newsletter.  As for ferrets getting sick, I think you will
find that whilst some do, most people write to the FML about their sick
ferrets, not their good ones.  However, a separate bank account is a good
idea, as last year one of our ferrets got a broken jaw, A$500 to fix, and 3
weeks ago she suddenly died of lipid pneumonia, and the autopsy and
pathology was another A$200.  As to the fur, some of ours haven't changed
their coat yet, so don't worry.  As for the stinky ferrets, you should find
this will eventually stop, unless they are frightened.  Descenting is not
and 5 ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2688]