After reading about it on the fml, I went out and bought 20 lbs of rice.
I put it in an old dresser drawer and let the six of them have at it.  I
then went downstairs to have a beer and read the paper.  I want to ask the
'person responsible' for this cute idea to answer the following questions.
Just how much time do you suppose it took for 6 ferrets of average size to
kick out almost 20 lbs of rice (white, long grain), assuming, of course
that all six were responsible.
If you live on Vancouver Island, how long will it take you to come to
Duncan to help clean up the mess.
Sharron gets home in 4 hours.  I guess I could clean it up myself, wash the
rice with compressed air from my scuba tank, and serve some for dinnner.
She won't even know!
ps ...... they LOVED the rice.
[Posted in FML issue 2685]