About 4 weeks ago, I posted that my 5 year old MF female wasn't eating
right (only soft kibble, nothing hard), was losing a little weight, and a
couple other symptoms.
Someone responded with the question of whether she was "chewing the air." I
cannot find that message, but she was doing that.  If the person who asked
me that would please reply directly to me, I would appreciate it (note,
this is a new email address for me - please use this one).
Also, does anyone know the symptoms of taurine deficiency?  The only food
she will eat right now is a soft dog food kibble, which I know doesn't
have taurine added like cat/kitten food does, so I want to watch for any
My vet prescribed a full course of baytril, and if it doesn't help (it's
just now up), he wants to do an x-ray, which we will probably have done.
Thanks for any help/info you can give me.
Debbie & Jim
Pixie (The one in charge)
[Posted in FML issue 2684]