Hello FMLers,
In this real world we live in, things are not perfect.  We have a ten year
old son and a six year old son, both go to a private Christian school.  The
reason we send them to that type of school is not to shelter them from the
real world, but to give them the best spiritual guidance possible.  Just
because they go to that school doesn't mean that we are finished doing our
job as parents.
So why is this important to the FML?  Just recently my oldest son
questioned something he had read in the bible.  Something that I was a
little uncomfortable talking about but something that was very common in
the real world.  I just can't pretend these things don't exist and I
certainly don't want him to stop reading the bible just because I get a
little uncomfortable explaining those very infrequent passages.
Modern Ferret is surely not the bible but it does contain an incredible
amount of good information and is without a doubt put together with a lot
of TLC.  Coming from a mans point of view this will be viewed as tainted.
But I have never had a subscription to Playboy or personally purchased one.
Just because a story of this beautiful young lady and her ferrets has
been published in Modern Ferret doesn't mean I'm going to run down to the
nearest convenience store and buy Playboy (Besides I'm waiting for Eric to
send me the pictures that didn't make it in the magazine) :-)  This is also
another great way to get the word out to the general public that may have
no clue that such a magazine (Modern Ferret) exists and that ferrets are
more than cage restricted pets.  I support Modern Ferret because of their
long-standing commitment to ferrets and the ferret community not because
some playmate showed up on their cover.
Jerry Jackowski
[Posted in FML issue 2681]