I just started getting FML only 3 days ago and I to was appalled by the
conditions described at Northwest.  But what upset me even more was that
she left all those poor babies their and went somewhere else to get one.
Why didn't she rescue not even one?  The last four of my seven babies have
been rescues.  The last two I found in a reptile store they had been there
for weeks and no one in the store took care of them.  I always keep my eye
open for babies in need of help.  And heres the reason, shortly after
getting my first two fuzzies I meet a friend of a friend who had one too.
I whated week after week as the poor thing sat in his cage getting sicker
and sicker.  He finally left us and that @#$%^$ just threw him, cage and
all in a dumpster.  Maybe I could have taken the little ferret and he'd be
here today.  So now maybe you know why i am upset that noone is trying to
save these innocent babies.  The only thing they did wrong was to pick a
bad human.  I do not mean any anger to anyone envolved I would just like to
persuade you to help them.  I agree that maybe Mr. Lipinski has more than
he can handle right now so I think its up to those of us who can to help.
A bath and TLC does wonders for a recued ferret.
with love,
Joy Smith & Lucy, Theo, Tabitha, Zorro, Scrawny,
Psycho, & Sick Girl  RIP  Ricky & Cosmo
[Posted in FML issue 2648]