Boy do I need some help.  I have six ferrets.  One is sick so she isn't a
problem and one is an older female so she is pretty calm but the four boys
are driving me insane.  Ok I have had two of the boys for a few years and
then I added two new boys in November who were fine for a long time.  Not a
lot of digging just playing and some dominance but no big deal.  Now here
is the problem.  I have recently noticed the boys are digging into the
mattress (they live in my room and there isn't any other place for them
unfortunately) and that was ok because it was an old one so it was fine.
However now they have dug a whole completely through the box spring and the
regular mattress and I am afraid they will get in there and get stuck in
the springs.  So I bought sheet stays, a plastic zip on cover and flipped
the mattress around to trick them in case they do get in.  However in one
day they dug a whole in the plastic and are determined to dig through the
rest.  The have plenty of toys and they are out at least 15 hours a day.  I
have no idea what to do now, I hate caging them until I find a way to stop
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Nikole and Gene
along with Casey, Gravy, Biscuit, Bear, Popeye and Sugar
[Posted in FML issue 2647]