Hello all.
I had said that Josie was going to the vet on Friday and likely helped to
cross the bridge.  Well, we didn't make it to Friday.  Just after supper
last night I picked her up to feed her and blood just gushed out of her
bottom.  It looked like something had burst inside her.  She still didn't
seem in any pain but her entire back end was now paralysed.  She looked up
and around in such an alert fashion it was unbelievable.  There was no
going to a vet at this point of the day so what do we do.  If we waited
until morning she could be in great pain.  We did feel with certainty that
it was time for Josie to go so we decided the only option was to give her
an adult sleeping pill (no flames please - don't dare criticize uless you
have walked where we've walked).  She soon went into a deep sleep, in such
a deep sleep that she was in this sleeping but not dead syndrome.  After an
hour I finally put her down on the bed wondering how long this was going to
take.  I would be a sleep long before this so she should be dead.  Two
hours later, still breathing.  Three hours later, still breathing.  We went
to bed and put her in her cage.  First thing in the morning Cam says to
me "You better go and give Josie a drink because she is probably pretty
thirsty."  I said "Is she made of iron or what?" I went up and she is up
gawking around (head only, most of the rest of her was still paralysed),
wide awake and alert and seemingly happy.  All we managed to do is give
her a really good night sleep.  Then we had to make the decision all over
again.  What now.  We had said our goodbyes, etc.  She was still paralysed,
her tummy was still huge, but not as blue looking, she hadn't gone to the
bathroom for over 12 hours, she could possibly be in serious pain before
very long.  So this morning Cam took Josie to the vet and now she is with
her Buddy and I sure hope Skeeter is there greeting them and showing them
the ropes.  Take care my beautiful little Josie.  We love you very much.
Thank you for being such a wonderful sweet little babe.
Tryntje Miller.
[Posted in FML issue 2647]