Haven't posted in a long time, lost my father and some other things, but
hope I am back to getting caught up with FML.
Ferret names:
First to start off, I always named my animals food names til I got custody
of my granddaughter, who needed very much to have a pet of her own and all
she wanted was a Golden Retriever, no other dog and she named him Comet
(tried so hard for a food name).  Well, then I needed a dog of my own and
my Great Dane wasn't going to have the traditional name but it kinda
sounded like it, (Bruno) = Drano.  And then there was the blankety blank
egotistical Chawawa named Brillo, an another story
Easy Off: Pet store darling, climbed all over everything,"easily" fell off
so it became easy to name her Easy Off, with no intent of having more.  She
was perfect, had all my attention, reserved, never dreamed she would turn
into a fluzzy doll and come onto Oscar through FML.
Ammonia: Pet store stinker, she is a stinker in more ways than one.  You
can read all about this blind little fert in this edition #22, of Modern
Ferret with lots of pictures to prove she does what I say she does
Cascade: From a shelter with a name that was cute but less than a year old.
Her little face was sweet and she just seemed to fit the name Cascade.  NO
personality until Dizzy came on the scene.  She fell head over heels in
love, came alive, wagged her tail and did everything
Ajax: my baby boy, from a breeder/shelter mom, had him named before he was
ready to come home.  tough name, masculine, hohohoho.  He is built like a
bulldog, flat face, husky shoulders, fat butt, and looks like a raccoon
traveling along.  He weighed 3.8 lbs at 6 months, the sweetest guy in the
world, til he stole the remote control, watched xrated movies and got ideas
but the vet changed his mind for him.  still looks innocent
Dizzy: A Zen boy, Benjamin Disraeli, Jr., his daddy over from England, an
Aunt named Queen Elizabeth (Lizzy) an Uncle Winston Churchill.  There's a
long story of what Bill & Diane went through for his Daddy Just could not
give him a cutesy name with such a history so thus came the Noble part of
the crew.
Joy: Oh my, Joy.  A retired breeder no one knew if she even had a name,
raised to have kits.  Too serious about everything, she had to tuck the
boys in their hammocks, had to stay between the boys when they wrestled
deathly jealous of Cascades attention to Dizzy.  After she was fixed, she
whipped up on all the girls a real spoil joy, but she was a Joy to me, the
Joy of My life when she learned to play and dig and have a good time with
the rest of em.  None of the names fit so well as hers
Febreze: A whole little girl who developed the most beautiful cinnamon
body, short choppy, bulldog shaped, fastest ferret on this side of Heaven -
chases my granddaughter round and round the couch and doesn't get
sidetracked.  She is a little breeze and with all the stuff on the product,
my gosh, it fits, she's a real controversy.
Prell: From a breeder to be used as a breeder, bought her cause of the
white face, black around the eyes and the coldest blackest nose - she was a
sable mitt, Easy Off was a silver mitt (thought I didn't want another mitt,
loved EO's white feet and wanted her to be the only one with white paws
buttt).  I wanted to name her Cheer and glad we didn't as she is not
cheerful at all yet she is still working for her little nitche into the
group, an extremely nervous little fert.
Millie and her Noble Cleaning Crew
Easy Off: the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  Where's my Modern Ferret, will someone describe my pictures
          again, read it to me, again
Cascade:  Look, I got a flaw, see my little toe, think they will write
          an article about me?
Ajax:  Did I hear Grandma describe my walk like that of a raccoon????
Dizzy: Well, who would ever dream Ammonia so jealous of Easy Off is the
       one who gets to be our star
Joy:   Never heard such a halliboo about a dummie who leaps before she
       knows if there is something to land on.  She's plain daffy.
Febreze: How come I have to chase EVERYBODY.  No one ever chases me
Prell: What a group of nerds, just stay away from me, stay away I tell
       you, don't come near me, I'll getcha, honest I will, leave me alone.
[Posted in FML issue 2646]