My husband and I were cruising around in Toys 'R Us on the weekend and came
across this most interesting toy.  It was a dog that came with a sock in
its mouth and when you pulled on the sock, it growled and shook its head
back and forth a few times.  We got so entranced by this sock pullin' pooch
that we had to buy it for the ferrets - we wanted to see who would win the
sock pulling contest.
Well, it was the funniest thing that I have seen in a long time.  We just
left this dog in the middle of the living room and waited.  After a few
minutes Chook and Taero were the first to check their room mate out.  Lots
of sniffing and pushing.  Ping showed up a few minutes later and she had to
check out this thing too.  Taero was the first to get to the sock.  He went
to snatch and grab when he got the resistance, and then the growl and the
shake.  He was so surprised he let go of the sock and ran for his hidey
hole behind the water fountain.  Ping, who was investigating the same
moment Taero got the dog to growl, immediately hissed and backed off a
short distance but then charged the dog hissing again.  Taero came back and
tried to get the sock, but this time he didn't run - he just let go and
then stood his ground.  He made one more attempt at the little sock and the
last thing I saw was a yellow dog being dragged behind the fountain.  Ping
and Chook closely followed.  We could no longer see a thing but every few
minutes we would hear the rattle of the dogs head going back and forth and
the sound of the growl.  We could just imagine who was trying to take the
prize of the sock from the dog that would not let go of it.  It made me
giggle all weekend!
Betty and Her Blur O'Fur
To my ferts: You will always be the winner of the sock pulling contest in
my eyes even though I know the dog put up a good fight!
[Posted in FML issue 2645]