Hey Ferret Friends!
I would like to start an "ICQ Ferret Friends" page on my ferrets' home
If any of you with ICQ would be interested in being on it...please e-mail
me with your name/ICQ screen name and your ICQ #...i do not know how to
anything except put your name and # on the page...unless you want a short
description of yourself with it, in which case you would need to supply me
with that also...
Obviously these #'s would be available to any & all who visit my page, but
it is meant for ferret people to get together and visit and talk to and
help other ferret people...
Hope i get lots of responses...it sounds like a good way to meet more
ferret people!
HUGS!!...to all and their owners!!!!
ICQ# 2485064
Rascal...my cinnamon...my first...my quiet kisser!...knowing I will let him
down  when he does!!!"
Sassy...my lady...my sweet, sweet lady!...but...'NO!!NO!! don't kiss me!!!!'"
Wolfie...my "stands up and begs for 'just one more treat'?...and now...'bar
stool climber'!!!!"
Monkey(Shine)...my "blaze" wild man!!!...my holy-terror...my 'flying
Remembering Marcel...how we loved him!
[Posted in FML issue 2645]