I thought I'd explain how my new little girl got her name..
I'd thought about it for sometime and having recently lost my grandmother
who I was very close too I decided to name her after my Nanna.  So, her
name became Sadie ! :-)
My Grandmother spent most of her life crippled in Pain with severe
arthritis, worse than any doctors had ever seen but we took care of her
till the day she passed away at our home in Australia.
Now, when I decided to get a little baby ferret, I was informed that there
was a little girl available from the litter who was missing half her tail,
cause her mommy ate it after she was born..  So, I guess I kinda thought
she was a little hard done by like my Nan was... While I was waiting for
my little girl to get old enough to bring home I put her Birthday on our
calendar, it was then I realized she was born the same day as my
Grandmother.  Different month but same date...so it kinda felt like it was
suppose to be her name..
And Sadie is growing up quite well, has a thing for nipping toes but she
loves to give kisses and her and Peuter are now becoming much better
friends, they even snuggle up and sleep together during the day. :-)  She
did her first little war dance the other day and now we're hearing little
'dooks' occasionally too !  I'm so proud of her !
Thats my story anyhow...just wanted to share it....Thanks for bringing up
the topic.
Beck, Pam, Peuter & Sadie.
[Posted in FML issue 2644]