We had an interesting occurrence today..My son, who buys mice for his ball
python, brought them over to my house while he stopped by..it was hot so he
brought the box of live mice into the house while the ferrets were enjoying
some run of the house time.
One of my recent rescues, Daphne, immediately came to point at the scent of
the box of mice and we decided to let one loose in the bathroom to see if
she would go after it..
I had read on the list about the live animal for food approach.  My fears
were that Daphne would play with the mouse (as the cats sometimes do with
the field mice they bring in the house for "show and tell") but that was
not the case with Daphne.
She immediately struck the mouse on the neck and ate it, with great
satisfaction, right down to the squeak.
These 3 ferrets had been kept in a 10'x10' chicken wire cage in a back
yard, and I suspect they had live food before..that of the wondering thru
the cage kind.
My raised in the house kids showed no interest at all in the mice, in fact
Bismarck, he of the royal name and large body, ran and hid behind the
toilet!  Angel Baby ignored it entirely but the other 2 rescue's responded
as Daphne did.  Shy Violet killed and ate also, while Daisy just killed her
mouse and stashed it in the food dish..Daphne immediately moved the dead
mouse to the food dish on her level.  Daisy went for it and a fight insued
about the mouse, with Daphne backing down (thats not the usual happening
but she 'knew' it wasn't her kill is my guess)
I'm really interested in hearing from others who provide live food for
their kids.
I had wondered why Daphne, Shy Violet and Daisy's coats were so soft and
silky and remember someone posted about that being what happens when
ferrets are allowed to have live kills.
My human kid and grand daughter thought I'd be grossed out..(I'm a
vegetarian and general pacifist) but ferrets aren't people and their
response showed me that this is the way they would live if they could...
and perhaps have done so in the past in their old home.
I also know that I will have less trouble with my fall influx of field mice
this year with these girls around the house..
elle in (today) sunny oregon
[Posted in FML issue 2644]