Hi Fuzzie Folks,
I need help once again.  My new girl is four and has a swollen vulva.  As
far as I know there are only two things that can mean.  Either a botched
spay, or Adrenal.  We are going to the vet on Monday.  Have also talked to
Gary about Timmy's Tonic.
Now I need to know how to join the FAIML.   Does anyone know how?
Ron aka Fuzzie Dad
Spaz,Rascal,Treble,Cocoa,Screeh,Moose, & Charlotte
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[Moderator's note: The FAIML (Ferret Adrenal/Insulinoma Mailing List)
is run by Lynn McIntosh.  You can subscribe by emailing her at
 <[log in to unmask]>         BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2644]