My ferret Noogie has an excessive amount of ear wax coming out of his left
ear.  When I first got him it looked as though his fur on that side of his
head was yellow in color and I thought it was just his markings.  One day I
looked alot closer and noticed that it's Ear wax and it goes clear out to
his eye.  I washed the side of his head and cleaned his ear out and did
this about twice a week for a couple of weeks but it reappears almost by
the end of the day.  I was just wondering if anyone has seen this before?
I don't think it even bothers him-it bothers him more when I try to wash it
out :)  I have been just leaving it alone now and cleaning his ears 1 time
a week along with my other ferrets.  One last thing- a couple of my other
ferrets really like to try and clean that one side of his head also.  If
you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 2644]