On Ed's punny.
>What would you call a ferret that characteristically runs backwards, as
>they are wont to do when playing with you?
>Answer:    terref(ic).
You made me groan, but smile too.  Thanks Ed. :)
Regina writes on Modern Ferret
>The most recent issue of Modern Ferret (#21) likewise contains a handful
>of non-exemplary photos- pgs.  4-5 show ferrets interacting with large
>dogs, a rabbit, and other animals with no mention of the possible harm to
>either the ferret or the other animals.  Page 36 features two ferrets
>playing with a roll of toilet paper- how many times have people written to
>the FML to tell a toilet paper roll horror story?  The page 38 centerfold
>shows a ferret and a rabbit in proximity- not very safe for the rabbit!
>On page 45, you will find one photo of a ferret with its head in a rubber
>glove (a blockage waiting to happen) and another photo showing a ferret in
>a box of packing peanuts (I know that those are the cornstarch ones, but
>does everyone?).
Ok....first of all, if the ferrets are being photographed then they are
being watched thus are most probably safe from harm.
Secondly, many ferrets can live in perfect harmony with cats, rats, dogs,
and even pigs I suppose.  I LIKED the fact the photos pointed that out.
Again, it is a matter of careful supervision.  And...if they are being
photographed I suspect they are being watched.
Packing peanuts are fun for ferts if you keep an eye on them.  It is a
known fact that fur kids like to snorkel.  Again.....supervise.
Toilet rolls can be fun toys.  (The refrain again) SUPERVISE.
On nail trimming.  I trim ever one to two weeks.  My ferts grow nails like
crazy.  Sometimes the nails look pretty long but don't seem to cause the
kids problems.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but I found the comments on the photos a mite
>My purpose in bringing up these photos is NOT to "bash" Modern Ferret.
Barbara writes:
>However, I do have major concerns with the most current Issue #21...
>The photo of the ferret with the live lobster on the floor with claws
>banded shut is, IMO, personally offensive as it makes the lobster the
>subject of ridicule and gives this living Being no dignity.  If you wish to
>consume lobsters, that's all well and good.  Just don't further traumatize
>a living creature that is about to give up his/her life for you.  This
>photo was obviously used for entertainment value only---it is not a photo
>of Ferrets and their Friends
I've got to agree with this notion.  That lobster was dinner....not a
family pet and as such should be dispatched quickly and with dignity.
One could argue that a lobster doesn't know any better, but the fact is--
Good Evening All,
Matthew in VA
[Posted in FML issue 2643]