The other day someone asked about how people got their ferrets names.  When
my boyfriend got me my first ferret for valentines day, he helped me think
of a veriaty of names.  We narrowed it down to two before i went home.
Athena and Ophelia, but since I only had here for less than an hour I
couldn't be sure which she was.  Well the next day i KNEW she was biting
and being a turkey, she was DEFINALTY an Athena not Ophelia.  So that's
how Athena got her name.
When I saw Apollo in My favorite Pet store(very knowledeable, at least 2
of the people own ferrets, and it's a small store, lots of love) I fell in
love with his face, I wanted a boy and asked if he was male, they said yes
and i knew i had to have him.  I named him Apollo to go with Athena.  My
boyfriend loves to tell me that he is not an Apollo, he's too fat but he's
cute and likes his name.
My last two, I have only had for a week.  They are two Cinnomon(I think)
one is a panda the other has sable markings.  My mom and I searched the
internet for names trying to find names that we thought fit.  We saw the
name Akira, the name of the Japanese Movie director(did the seven samerise,
The movie the MAgnificent Seven is based on) We thought it was pretty and
the name meaning finder said it was a Unisex name, didn't want to give her
a idenity crisis.  We racked our brains trying to think or a name for my
little panda.  We were thinking of Pandora but it just didn't fit her name
would have been longer than her.  Then it popped in my head, Alia, if any
of you have seen the movie Dune by David Linch Alia is the name of the 3
year old little girl who is the little sister of Paul, and was played by
the red-head from cybil and Urban Legens.
I wasn't intending all they're names to be A's but it just all fits.  Give
your Ferts kisses for me
[Posted in FML issue 2643]