I am breathing a sigh of relief right now.  Jasmines back legs had been
looking a bit weak, not much, but enough to notice she was slipping and
sliding more than the others.  Since she is adrenal and turns 5 next month,
of course I was thinking insulinoma,early stage.  Turns out she has the
beginnings of arthritis in her hip joints, and while that's not great, it's
not life threatening.  Guess my little old lady and I can hobble out to the
car and drive very fast to the drug store.  She'll just be the little old
Fert from Pasadena(NM).
I had a cat that took months to cure of ringworm, but I was stubborn, and I
never got it took giving the griseofulvin and external topical treatment,
plus washing the affected area daily to clear up his case of ringworm.  I
also recommend shaving the area, so it's easier to treat.  Took me 2 weeks
of internal and external medication at the same time, but it finally was
gone.  A small blacklight will help you see if it's gone, as it turns green
under the blacklight.BTW,my kids never got it either.
Speaking of amorous ferrets, my first loved to grab a big stuffed carrot,
yes carrot, and drag it backwards.  She'd wrap her front paws around the
carrot with a back leg on either side and start dragging backwards.  It
looked like she was getting fresh with the carrot, but really was only
dragging it backwards.  She stole it right out of my daughters room on
Halloween.  It was part of her bunny costume.  Chelsea loved that silly
carrot, and that was the only thing besides socks she liked.  We buried it
with her, so I guess she's at the bridge dragging it and telling Valentine
I'll play in a minute.
Say Alicia, would you say that Hob only smells hob as much.  I'm sorry I
couldn't help myself.
Sandy and 4 tube tunneling, cold nose touching ferrets
Love your fuzzies today, for tomorrow they will give a whole new meaning
to wet willy.
[Posted in FML issue 2642]