I have a 3 year old male ferret who, in the past, has been very good about
using the litterbox in his cage (most of the time.)
In the last month or two though, he's developed a nasty littly habit or two.
1) He's been using my kitchen, bathroom, and living room corners almost as
often as his litterbox; if I catch him trying he'll run to his cage.
2) He seems to be 'marking' things now, which I've never noticed him doing
before.  He'll rub his belly along a throw rug, a shoe, or whatever happens
to be in the floor and leave a few drops of urine there.
3) Sometimes when he does go into his cage to go, he won't back all the way
up into the litterbox so it gets outside the box too; it's like he's just
gotten lazy!
I'm just getting tired of following him around when I think it's about time
for his to go to make sure he's going to his cage.  I live in an apartment,
so it's not like his cage is any farther away than the other places.
Any suggestions on behavioral changes?
Thanks, Kim
[Posted in FML issue 2641]