Hi everyone, I'm the one who brought up the thread on allergies.  Since a
lot of people have e-mailed me about this, I thought I'd follow-up on the
list.  Well, I went to the allergist again yesterday, and saw the main
doctor, instead of the associate I saw the week before.  He told me they
checked, and there is no ferret test.  We were talking about ferrets and I
told him how they have no dander.  Between that and the fact that I have a
much stronger reaction to my mother's one cat, than to my three ferrets,
he doesn't thing I have a ferret allergy.  Apparently, I'm just allergic
to my very dusty house!  Well, I just got a HEPA filter today used from a
co-worker, so I'll see how that works out.
On another note, this week was spring break for elementary school kids, so
my office was filled with everyone's children.  (We don't have day care.)
So I thought I'd bring a ferret to work.  Actually, as I wrote before on
the FML, EllieMae can easily escape her cage, and the other day we had
static-sensitive computer parts laying around the living room.  Rather than
confine her to a cat-carrier all day, I decided to take her to work with
me!  I just closed my office door and she ran around all day, napping in
the garbage can (I put towels in a drawer for her, but she loved the
garbage can-luckily no garbage in it).  At lunch I took her for a walk
around the office complex then we ate lunch together at a picnic table.  It
was such fun!  Everyone in my office likes her, or pretends they do.  My
boss said "You should bring in a ferret every day." And the following day
everyone asked me where she was!
Jethro, EllieMae, and Gillian
[Posted in FML issue 2633]