I know this will sound strange as it did to me when I first heard this but
apparently once again, truth is stranger than fiction...
A friend of mine (no, really) had a pair of samoyed huskies that were
beautiful and very white.  One day he announced that one of his babies had
passed on to doggie heaven leaving him with only one.  A month and some
later, he was sporting a new sweater and asked me to touch it.  It was
incredibly soft.  He told me it was from his dearly departed samoyed and
this was her final gift to him.  I was absolutely horrified and told him so
until he cleared up my misconception.  He did NOT make the sweater from the
hair off his departed dog; he had saved her hair from the many brushings.
He had read an article years ago about a woman who spun hair and such and
would make sweaters from practically anything.  He had called her and had
asked about the possibility of using his dog's hair and she replied that
his particular breed made fine sweaters - better and softer than cashmere.
I was never so relived in all my life.  He was horrified and shocked to
think I would even think he would do anything like that.  Whew!  I'm glad
we got that cleared up.  It is his most prized possession and helps to ease
the pain of his loss.  He is presently collecting hair from the second
puppy as well.  But it got me to thinking.... (can't help it, it's just who
I am...)
Just how much hair would it take to make a decent sweater from ferret
hair, anyway?  How many ferrets would it take and how long would I need
to collect it?  Any thoughts?  Maybe there could eventually be a ferret
sweater fashion show sporting all the lovely shades of this year fur babies
and the proceeds could go to support the ferret cause or needy shelters?
Can you imagine the colours and patterns these sweaters would take on?
P.S.  This isn't meant to be sick or sadistic... I'm talkin' hair from
LIVING ferrets... as in, no animals were harmed in the making of this
Betty and Her Blur O'Fur
To my ferts:  I like your hair just where it is.... but I couldn't help
wondering anyway.... besides, there is no replacement for the life and
breath that comes from beneath it.
[Posted in FML issue 2638]