The two male ferrets I was helping a friend find a home for, are in a
wonderful home, now.  Slinky was diagnosed with adrenal cancer the day
after he arrived, had the left gland removed, and is recovering nicely.
His cage mate, Squinty, is doing very well, too.  The new owner (now
becoming a good friend) got a lot dumped on her, not knowing this ferret
was sick and never having owned a ferret before, but with my help and from
the internet folks, she is doing a great job handling it all.  She sure got
a crash course in ferret care (and medical expenses!  The previous owner
has not offered to help pay) all inside of one week!  What a dedicated new
ferret mom!
The little female that turned out to be deaf was placed in a new home last
night with 2 deaf women and other deaf ferrets to play with.  She will be
happy with all the attention and love!
Greta & Lucy have spring fever and are dooking and war dancing all over the
place now.  I wish I could have so much energy and enthusiasm!
One more qualification for ferret ownership (and this is manditory!):
a good sense of humor!
You can't appreciate a ferret unless you can laugh a lot!  Their whole
purpose in life is to teach us how to love and make us laugh!  (and we
probably live longer and happier because of it!).
I have a few ferret haiku's for you:
Summer is coming
dreams of grass, bugs, dirt, puddles...
No! Not the harness!
I hide in my tube
Is it safe? I take a peek..
BOP!...the cat is still there
We smell like ferrets
Mom says we smell like Fritos
Oh no! It's bathtime!
I am so happy!!
I am so happy!!
I don't feel so good
I think I need a Craisin
I feel better now
nobody loves me
I am alone, hungry, scared
someone save me...please?
I am old and weak
my humans cry and hold me
I go to the Bridge
abandoned and sick
I was rescued just in time
now I dance again
I cannot hear you
I bite you when I'm startled
don't hurt me, I'm deaf
(anyone's fingers get sore counting?)
Have a happy Easter!
Barb and the ever-lovin' fuzzies;
Lucy  (I have a headache from being bopped on the head by the cat all
the time!)
 & Greta  (The Easter Weasel is coming!! I'm so excited!  I'll do a
dance for him!)
"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the old,
sympathetic with the struggling, and tolerant of the weak and
wrong...because sometime in your life you will have been all of these"
[Posted in FML issue 2636]