A while back, I posted (anon, as I live in?) about the Super Pet 4 story
cage we bought for our two MF boys (who are now over 4 lbs. each!).
If you want to see a picture of it, go to:
http://www.igha.org/cage/cage.htm (yes, that Siegfried & Roy in there,
Siegfried, he's the blond, is on the lower shelf - picture taken about 3
months ago).
Anyway the cage is really terrific, and the boys just love it!  It was a
bit of work to put it together (we purchased it at Petco), and we found
out later we could have purchased it assembled for the same price ($179.00
at the time we bought it), so that is really the way to go (if you have a
large enough vehicle).
Next, we seem to be having a really bad round of luck with water bottles
(the ball type vacuum ones).  We have tried several brands, and sooner or
later, they seem to get "stuck" in the open position and all the water
leaks out.  We clean them out every day (we always have two or more, just
in case), so the problem is not food particles.  Anybody else having this
We just purchased two of the Oasis "Insta-Fill" bottles (they work on a
spring valve), and so far (2 days), they seem to be working (with no
leaks), anybody on the list used these before?
And finally, Siegfried is loosing some hair on his tail (just one side),
but the area is clean (no abrasions), and he isn't scratching or biting at
it and our vet is stumped.  Suggestions?
Sign me "hiding out on the coast".
[Posted in FML issue 2662]