Early this morning I was awakned by a shrill scream coming from my living
room.  As I dashed out there I found Grandpa, my ancient dark eyed white
in a massive seizure.  I grabbed the glucose and gave him some as I was
dialing my vet.  I tried for about 30 minutes to stop the seizures as the
vet prepared to come over to help Grandpa over the bridge but Grandpa died
about 10 minutes before he made it here.  I prayed so hard for God to grant
Grandpa some peace before the vet made it here.  When I could plead no more
I could think of nothing more to do than sing to him as I rocked him.  He
died as I sang an AWANA song called Pass It On.  It was all I could think
of but I want to think that As God granted him passing onto Heaven, it
helped bring him peace.  Grandpa was a gift to me from another shelter that
took in rescues of all sorts but she really could not handle the special
needs of the ferrets she took in so they came to me through Lost and Found
Pets here in Fairbanks.  He has been with me for just over a year and was
in the final stages of very advanced insulinoma.  he was over 10 years old
by the vets estimation and as Bob Church put it, "A 10 year old ferret is a
wonderful thing".  Thank you Bob for helping me with your Chicken Gravy.
Troy Lynn, your advise and comfort helping us all to deal with our
terminally sick fur children is worth a King's Ransom.  I especially thank
you for always being there.  Michael Janke, you to have aided me in so many
ways with suggestions of tried and true ways to make them more comfortable.
When Grandpa stopped drinking on his own I knew that it would be soon, And
my one regret is that I waited to long to help him cross over.  He did not
deserve to die the way he did.  I just kept hoping to cheat death one more
time for just a bit longer.
Please hug all your fur children a bit for Grandpa today and Thank God for
the short time they are with us, and for the endless joy they bring us.
[Posted in FML issue 2662]