I'd like to make a suggestion to those who are studying beginning shoulder
training.  Use what my x-helicopter hubby calls the land hoist, a harness
for those not familiar with helicopters.  It gives you a way to maintain
control, and keep them from finding out if they bounce.  I have one,Sugar,
that thinks ferrets do have wings.  Maybe she was a firelizard in a former
life.  She has taken many a leap of faith, and if not for the harness,
would see just how high ferrets bounce.  Nobody ever said she was smart,
just sweet.
Skeeter you put tears in my eyes yesterday.  My 1st ferret,Chelsea,was a
horse lover as well as Jasmine.  They both loved walking up and down my
horses back, which the horse seemed to enjoy as much as they did.  It was
so funny watching this 1.5 lb. ferret on a 16 hand, 1250 lb. horse.  At
least I know
Chelsea is still doing it.
Sandy and the Flying Four
Love your fuzzies today, for tomorrow they may be riding horses.
[Posted in FML issue 2661]