Leslie and other readers,
Just a note on travelling with ferrets.  Make sure you have copies of the
ferrets vaccination histories with you *at all times* -- ESPECIALLY when
travelling over state lines.  Also if you are going to be away for a
while -- it is a good idea to have a written medical history of each ferret
with you-- just in case you need to seek veterinary care.
Another tip is to make sure that if they are rtiding in the rear hatch or
near a window you have a drape for the cage so the heat from sunlight
shining in the window does not cause the ferrets to dehydrate or get too
warm.  also I need not mention but-- when walking them or allowing them out
of the cage-- remember to have harness and lead!  Ferrets usually respond
well to road trips-- it allows them new smells, sounds and sights!  Have
fun on your travels... you will all have a great time.
for the many faces at Ferret Wise
check out our current ferrets seeking adoption at
[Posted in FML issue 2661]