When it rains...it pours!  We have 3 new arrivals, turned in as found
in GA:
4/3  - Waters Road SE, Atlanta
4/12 - Connally Drive, East Point
4/26 - Shiloh Hill Drive, Kennesaw
All are in excellent condition & will be up for adoption in 7 days if not
As usual, we have lots of ferrets in foster care waiting for loving,
permanent homes.  But found ferrets are an annual spring/fall event in GA.
It seems that every year when the weather starts getting beautiful & you
can finally open the house to let in the wonderful fresh air, that we get
hit w/lots of found ferrets.  Know where your fuzzy is & remember to check
carefully when opening & closing doors.  And ferret-proof those windows.
Screens are a minor & temporary obstacle to ferrets.
Here's a tip for windows.  Use wire closet shelving.  It's purchased by the
running foot & can be custom cut to fit the size of your window openings.
For just a few dollars you'll be able to enjoy the refreshing spring breeze
& feel secure that your open window is impervious to ferret escape artists.
Make sure the top window of double-hung (is that what they're called?)
windows doesn't fall open when installing your windows guards.
Wishing you & yours health, safety, & happiness.
Juliana  (770) 984-1417 <[log in to unmask]>
(fer'it`biz'nis) n.  1 Ferret foster care & adoption.
2 Info about ferret care & ownership.  3 What a ferret does.
4 A collection of ferrets.  5 A direct result of ferret math.
/That's BUSINESS as in a bunch of ferrets folks./
[Posted in FML issue 2661]