Thanks again to all who have taken the time to write to me with suggestions
and thoughts about Jasmine.  She still isn't eating or drinking on her own.
She had started to tolerate the force-feeding some, but is now fighting
them again.  She had seemed more energetic yesterday, but today seemed very
weak and not as interested in her surroundings as previously (since her
problems started, I've been taking her to work with me, so the sights,
sounds, and smells of the different environment should spark a bit of
interest).  One the positive side, she isn't vomiting and her stools are
normal, so what I get into her is at least staying to do some good :)
Several people have suggested that her problems could be insulinoma.  Like
I mentioned to some folks directly, her symptoms are WAY different that
Bandit's, who's had insulinoma for a year and a half.  Could her symptoms
be so different than his??  Before we started her on the lysodren a few
months about, we did a fasting glucose test, which came back about 98 or
so.  My understanding was that lysodren lowers bg, so this was why we
tested her.  If her problems are related to the lysodren lowering her bg,
how long should it take to wear off?  Or have I misunderstood the whole
thing with the lysodren and glucose??
Thanks again for your time, Lucie
[Posted in FML issue 2660]