Hi guys!
<pant pant> I've been pwayin'!  Dat Schultz has a *wot* of energy!  He's
been wunnin' circles awoun' me.  Nikki-Lee an' Bailey are busy explorin'
de pwace.  Bailey's havin' fun teachin' her about de Kwazy Kars an' Dirt
Mountain.  She wuvs Nutrical Niche, bu' de Ferretone Flood hasn' come by
yet today.  Bailey said he's gonna make sure she's dere for dat!  He wants
to surpwise her when it comes <chortle>
<sniff sniff> I can smell a CheWeasel - better get goin'.
Buh Bye!
Visit some of my fwiends!
[Posted in FML issue 2659]