Today, my Scooter (the dook of earl) started walking goofy-footed with a
definite left tilt to his head and left stumble.  I noticed he appeared
to be drooling from the left side of his mouth, although he wasn't in any
apparent pain.  Although lethargic, he ate some Cheerios.  I can't find
much information in the archives concerning strokes, how to diagnose, nor
what treatments were prescribed.  Only some random posts from the end of
June 1994.  Can anyone help?  I tried to send a post to Bruce Williams, but
it bounced.  I know he is extremely busy, but my vet, although agressive
and open minded, is not terribly experienced in ferrets (read she's taken
care of mine for 3 years, but doesn't see any others.)  Any other vets or
other knowledgable members reading this, I'd appreciate some input.  You
can post to me offline or call me at 1-800-488-8806, and select mailbox
5088 to leave me a message and I'll call back.
Tuck Kemper
Proudly owned by Major Burns (ferret face), and Scooter (the dook of earl),
and Widget ("what's a litter box?")
[Posted in FML issue 2659]