* What is your experience with ferrets, and how long have you been
  treating them?
* Do you handle surgery for ferrets in your care? If not, who does?
  Are they a ferret specialist or do they just know how to operate on
* Whom may I call after hours if I have a ferret emergency?
* What Distemper vaccine do you use? Have you ever handled a ferret
  having a bad reaction to the Distemper vaccine?
* Do you have experience with ferrets having Insulinoma and Adrenal
  Cancer? Do you treat those ferrets or recommend them out to others?
* In the event that vet is not on duty, will someone else be handling
  your ferret during an emergency visit or an extended stay at the
  vets office? What is their experience and what are they allowed to
  do in the treatment of your ferret?
* Do you have experience in nutritional requirements for ferrets?
* How much do you charge for consulations, for office visits that
  require non medical things, per vaccine per ferret and for major
  surgeries such as Adrenal removal and lymph node removal for
* Have you ever had experience with ferrets having ECE?
Do not be afraid to ask these things.  They get paid by you, you have a
right to all of this information!
[Posted in FML issue 2658]