eYou know, just recently, someone said his hero was a golf star.  Before
that, I heard it was a baseball player.  NO WAY those guys are heroes to
me.  Mine is in Ferrets Magazine: March/ April issue.  Her name is Mary
VanDahm, and she runs FAIR.  While we discuss how tough it is with 12 or 25
ferrets, Mary has over 50 in her care at her home.  Most are too sick to
ever leave her home, and are shelter ferrets.
Mary was in pain walking and standing for years.  She needed surgery.  She
needed to stay off her feet.  But she wouldnt do it.  She had 50 to 60
ferrets to take care of at the shelter.  She is a strict, no nonsense lady
who LOVES ferrets.  She would not take time off to take care of herself.
Mary will never make a million dollars.  She will never be famous.  She
will spend hours cleaning ferret pee.  She will be the one to put the
lonely dying ferret to sleep forever as she rocks it.She will mourn the
death of each wee one.  She will be the one giving multiple meds to 50
ferts, waiting at the vets to be seen for drop offs and pick ups.  She is
the only hope a group of horrendous biters have.  Like sharks, I watched
one rip apart a ladies hand and wrist in under a minute.  It was
terrifying.  And then, it wouldnt let go.  I wouldnt go near them.  Mary
took them home with her.  I have never met any one like her.
Dr. Karen , Pam Troutman, Alicia Drakeotes are all in this issue!!  You
guys are my heroes.  Your unselfish devotion, time, and energy goes out to
educate people and help ferrets.  I can't imagine what heaven is going to
be like for all of you on the FML- and not here- that live a life of
suchdevotion, sacrifice and compassion.
But I just had to let you all know- The heroe I have personally met has
written several articles in this issue........And if you have a few dollars
to spare- she could sure use some help.  These ferrets are never leaving.
And they will never get better. The bills are enormous.
[Posted in FML issue 2658]