Whoever would have guessed that I would someday find patience and caution
my good friends?
Patience: I brought home a biter from the shelter in Nov. of 1997.  He has
biten me badly several times a week or more for about 8 months.  Then the
hard bloody bite came once a month.  And now I realize that it has been two
months since I can remember him biting me hard at all.  And for the first
time, he will roll over on his back and gently mouth me.  He will lick
myfingers if they have water on them.  He will let me pick him up without
that crouch and snap.  He will let me stroke him and hold him now for 5 or
10 minutes.  He actually seems to like it.All this in the last month!
Caution?  Who wants to keep the baby fert locked in his cage whenever they
are not at home?  Not me.  Yet again today, I was reminded that caution
must be a key word with baby ferts: especially really dumb ones.  Chewie
got his large chubby body wedged under a large piece of furniture.  I was
leaving for work.  If I hadnt needed to find him to put him in his cage, I
never would have known of his distress and dilemna.  I may not want to lock
my fun loving baby in his cage.  But I am responsible for him.  That means
doing things that are best for the animal, despite my feelings.
Always like to hear the almost stories to remind me of my duty as ferret
Have a wonderful weekend,  Lisette
[Posted in FML issue 2656]