Howdy Ferret Folk!
We have recently put in a bid on a beautiful 60 acre parcel, miles away
from the hope of ever having conventional utilities, or access with
anything less than a 4 wheel drive vehicle.  In order to live in such a
paradise, self emplyment is the key.  Since it is highly doubtful that UPS
has all terrain vehicles, it is in our best interest for me to expand the
newsletter portion of our business to the point where outside employment is
not necessary.  In a few short months, my splinter business has grown at an
astronomical rate, each week attracting new clients.  It is this business,
Buddy Talk Publications, that will make our permanent abode in the
wilderness possible, and not Goodhart's Little Buddies.
After a lot of soul searching, we have decided to close the doors on
Goodhart's Little Buddies.
To those of you who are existing dealers and customers and have not
received your written notice yet, I apologize that you have to find out
this way.  We attempted to have a very capable and wonderful ferret person
carry on for us after a very smooth transition.  Unfortunately, she was
unable to do so.  Then we "bid" the business out to prospective new
operators, however, since releasing the bid documents on Monday, we have
received 19 offers, none of which I would trust to run the business as we
would.  Therefore, we have decided upon a clean break with referral of any
interested parties either back to Performance Foods directly, or to any of
the other Internet stores.
In the meantime, however, we still have stock.  In order to unload it, and
to help out those in need, we are first offering stock left, at cost,
original invoices available, plus shipping, to any ferret shelter.  If you
are a shelter and are interested in taking advantage, please check our web
page at and then CALL me (602) 465-9887 with what you
are interested in.  If you are interested in purchasing for the purpose of
donating to a shelter you may still do so and we will ship directly to the
shelter on your behalf.  If, after a couple of weeks, we still have stock,
and I can figure out how to do the "Chat Room" we will hold an on line
For those of you who have been responding to my focus group on the upcoming
ferret newsletter, it has been pushed back a bit more due to the other
publications I am putting out, but it will come out soon.  For those of you
waiting on the next GCSFA newsletter, you now know I will soon have plenty
of time to work on it!
Well, there it is folks.  Once I hit send there is no turning back.  Just
gotta hit the old send button.  Not so easy.
   Oh well
       Here goes.
          A simple little push of the button.....
[Posted in FML issue 2656]