Hi everybody-
I have a serious question.  What is the general response of potential
landlords when you tell them you have ferrets and would like to rent their
property?  Or, do you tell them at all?  I am in Maryland so ferrets are
legal (not counting D.C.  as being in Maryland) but I know there are places
that have cats/dogs allowed with big deposits.  How do you approach telling
this person you have ferrets?  Do you swear that they are "cage animals"
even though they get some free roam time?  It is difficult to change minds
of people if they already have preconceived notions (ie - baby eating
snake-rats that stink like skunks).  But how do you know if someone will
react badly to the idea that you have ferrets?
It is a difficult situation, and I hate the idea of "refugee" ferrets.
But I also don't want to sound like I am over-defending them and have the
person get the idea that they are bad and NEED to be defended.  It is like
a double-edged sword.  I guess the big question is what approach to take.
Any opinions or responses are greatly appreciated, but Please don't flame
me - I am not trying to smuggle my ferrets I am just trying to get an idea
of how to introduce the idea to a stranger that would potentially rent me
their house.  I also don't want to be detrimental to ferrets' good
Unfortunately, most people at work don't respond lovingly to the fact that
I have ferrets - I am slowly teaching them they are not rodents.  There is
ONE lady who had a friend with ferrets....but the rest are kinda
"stand-offish".  That is why I worry.
Thanks so much, Stephanie, Chimi & Pepe (the little angels..wink wink)
[Posted in FML issue 2655]