Hi All,
Wanted to let you know the Raisin Retreat has a new web page.  I'm so
excited!  It's not 100% done but it's well on it's way.
I need to say a big Thank you to Jamie Steinhauer (Papa Fert) who put it
all together & will be maintaining the page for me & to Sam Young (New
Zealand Sam) for the backgrounds she did for me.  Took baby pictures of
one of my ferts & his sister & a couple shelter kids & turned them into
the backgrounds for 4 of the pages.  People like them is what makes ferret
people the greatest on earth.  (At least most of them) LOL.  As for the
Michigan Lost Souls - there are only 5 still here.  One older couple, a
retired breeder, a very feisty girl & one little girl that will be going
for adrenal surgery at the end of the month.  They are doing well.  Not bad
out of 36.  Without you it wouldn't have happened.  Once again, Thanks to
all - in one way or another helped out with these kids.  I have contact
with alot of the people who adopted the Lost Souls & all are doing well &
very happy in their new homes!  Thats what makes it all worth it & thats
what it's all about.  - Happy ferrets!
PS - I am also very Happy to report that all the homeless raisins that
traveled from all over the country to get here have been placed!
Laurie Long
The Raisin Retreat Ferret Shelter
Elyria, Ohio
Where homeless raisins hang their hats
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Where homeless raisins hang their hats
[Posted in FML issue 2654]