I had promised to post the outcome of Rocky's checkup ASAP.  He does seem
to have Adrenal Disease.  It is in the beginning stages & other wise his
health is excellent.  Dr. Sidner does not think he is a good candidate for
surgery b/c we have no idea of his exact age.  He guestimated no younger
than 5 & most likely older.  (We have had him two years) He was a rescue &
we have no other medical background on him.  I did not think the Adrenal
surgery was a big deal.  Would I be making a mistake by not having it done.
Dr. Sidner thinks Rocky will live a long time with Adrenal & that probably
will not be his demise anyway.  What do yall think?  Rocky is such a
sweetheart & I want to do what is best for him.  Keep him in your prayers,
Rocky (I feel ok Mom)
Sno (Is Rocky ok?)
In memory of Holly & Michael
[Posted in FML issue 2654]