I have a problem I have never been faced with before with any of my other
ferrets and I need some quick help from anyone out there who knows what I
should do.  I bought a one and a half year old sable yesterday <19th> and
he will not eat ferret food as he has been on cat food since he was a kit.
I bought the brand of cat food he has been eating and he barely touched it
which worried me.  He is in great shape, rather big really, and I know he
is overwhelmed with my 7 other ferrets but they are all getting along fine
and he plays with them in return to their pestering him.  The problem is he
is hungry and will not eat his own brand of food now and when I gave him
some ferret treats he ate a few and then promptly threw them up.  This has
me concerned as I have never had this problem with my other ferrets when I
got them which was at different ages in their lives.  They always ate like
pigs and would have an occasional bout of diareah when their food was
changed but never did they ever refuse to eat.  What do I do I am worried.
[Posted in FML issue 2654]