Our ferrets really don't mind traveling.  Ours have a large travel carrier
with a hammock, litter box, and plenty of food and water.  They usually
sleep in the hammock for most of the trip.  The longest trip we've ever
taken our four on was about 8 hours.  My first ferret made a longer trip
from North Dakota to Alabama (about 2 days of traveling) just fine.  They
really seem to enjoy visiting new places and getting to sniff new things
and people.
We're getting ready to take our ferret's with us on a week long trip with
several stops along the way.  I'd much rather do that then leave them with
someone who is not familiar with them.  The only thing I'd recommend is
checking around to see what vets are available in the areas that you are
going to be visiting, just in case!  Oh, and of course, don't leave them in
the car for even a little while if it's warm, and keep their carrier out of
direct sunlight, as they don't deal with heat very well.
Happy Trails,
Leigh and Fargo, Fonzi, Kami, and Moon Boy
[Posted in FML issue 2653]